Our Story

We are a family run business located in the beautiful small town of Berwick, Nova Scotia. We have a very strong community with a population of around 3000 people, our store easily draws 10,000 from the surrounding communities, so how do we do it? Well, after 22 plus years, here is our story.
Our company was founded in Sept 2000 and starting out selling discounted clothing. It was a success from the start with customers waiting in line to get into the store every Thursday morning to purchase the clothing from the mannequin window displays. As years went on the store was very busy, it was running under the name, The Clothing Line Factory Outlet. Two new stores were introduced, another in NS, and one other in Newfoundland for a total of three stores, and business was great.

The good old days had come to an end with lots of new competition in once a niche market and our sales declined. Then in 2008, 2009 the recession hit us.
We tried several things to get the business back, such as: a Sears Franchise, K-Cup Coffee sales, dollar store items, and Custom Apparel. My wife and I still look back and laugh about the old times, she would take the t-shirt orders and I would print on the spot, just the two of us. We would take in just enough to pay the bills. This got us through the tough times, we made a great team!
However, at this point we both knew we needed to make a big change, so we had the big idea, Discount Home Decor and Furniture. This was the best decision we ever made; this was a first in the local area to offer these unique products at discount prices. We then changed the name of the store to Wilsons Home Store.

During covid 19 the N.S government forced us to shut down for 6 weeks, twice. We took advantage of this time and ended up working very hard to put all our store inventory online. We had a local expert create a new website, offering pick up at store with curbside pickup, no shipping was available at this time. This was a huge hit with our customers, some travelling up to 2 to 3 hrs. away to pick up their new purchases.
Today we are excited to offer you our next level of service. Direct by Wilsons Home Store, direct shipping to your address anywhere in Canada, Free of charge.
We continue to be a family run business to this day, plus several amazing employees. We are now introducing our two boys into the business. So far so very good, they are excited, and are very happy boys. One loves the cash register, and the other loves e-commerce, which sounds like a good fit to me. Let's hope for another generation!
We would like to thank all our past, present, and future customers for your continued support. We take pride in serving you with the best service possible and hope to ship to you soon!
Thank you for reading our story!
- The Wilson Family